Contact: +421 902 760 686
Dobšinského 32, Bratislava, View on map
Rýchla rezervácia a kvalitné služby

Fast reservation and quality service

Dvojlôžkové izby s manželskou posteľou alebo oddelené

Double rooms with double bed or separated

Raňajky a kávička v našom salóniku

Terasa s príjemným posedením

Vybavenie každej izby na vysokej úrovni

LCD, internet connection, secure parking...

Raňajky a kávička v našom salóniku

Breakfast and coffee in our lounge

Room reservation

Facilities rooms

Location and centrum

Accommodation rules


All incidental charges like IDD charges must be immediately settled.

The room key is kept by the guest. Any damage and loss will be subject to a fine ( 50Euros)

Keep the Hotel Premises clean. No article billed on the wall is allowed.

Guests must take good care of their own belongings. The Management will not be held responsible for any
loss or damage incurred.

No prohibited articles, flammable articles or commercial goods are allowed to be stored inside the room.

No heavy trunks or anything as deemed inappropriate by the Management should be stored in the room.

If any abandoned luggage or lost and found items are not claimed by the guest after a maximum storage
period of 90 calendar days, the Management has the right to dispose of these items.

No pets are allowed on the Hotel premises. No plants are allowed in the room.

No gambling of any kind or unlawful behavior is permitted.

Keep silence on the Hotel premises.

Visitors are allowed on the Hotel premises from 10 AM till 8 PM

No changing of rooms or transfer of rooms is allowed without the permission of the Front Desk.

Guests are held responsible for any damage done to the furniture / decoration or other facilities insides the

All electric appliances should be switched off and the windows should be closed when guests go out.

No smoking is allowed on the Hotel premises.

No electric appliance and furniture is to be installed inside the room without the permission of the

Please do not take away the guest room items as souvenirs. Otherwise, the charge will be added onto your
Hotel bill.
In case of violation of the above regulations or any misconduct as deemed to cause others’ inconvenience
or discomfort, the Management reserves the right to ask the guest to leave.

The Management reserves the right to alter or amend the above regulations without any notice. In case of
any query, please contact the Front Desk.